
Innovative Problem-Solving: How to Utilize Creativity in Your Strategies


Creativity in solving problems refers to the ability to generate unique and innovative solutions to a given problem. It involves thinking outside the box, challenging assumptions, and exploring unconventional ideas. Creative problem-solving requires the ability to see connections and patterns that others may not see, as well as the courage to take risks and try new things.

In today's fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, problems are bound to arise. Whether it's a lack of resources, shifting market trends, or internal challenges, these issues can be overwhelming and frustrating. However, with the right approach, problems can be turned into opportunities for growth and innovation. Not every issue has a clear-cut, easy solution. And the more we attempt to use simple solutions to fix these issues, the worse they become. Real-world business issues are messy and complex, necessitating a unique method of problem-solving. In this article, we'll provide a variety of practical instances of creative issue resolution.


The Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process can be broken down into the following steps:  

  1. Identify the Goal: By fully understanding the problem you are trying to solve.

  2. Gather Necessary Data: To better comprehend the problem, gather as much information as you can.

  3. Formulate Challenge Questions: By using the How Might We questions to ideate on the right problems.

  4. Explore Ideas: It's imperative that you jot down every thought you have, even the "dumb ones," since there are so many of them.

  5. Come Up with Solutions: You'll find the ideal option by evaluating each idea.

  6. Create an Action Plan: Take into consideration the tools you'll need and the time required. Then, put it all in writing.

  7. Take Action: It's time to put your solution into action and fix the issue now that your strategy has been formed, and your team is on board.


To be more effective during each stage, you'll want to be aware of the typical creative problem-solving approaches or strategies you can employ. Several strategies to aid you in navigating the CPS process are included below.

  1. Synectic: This technique helps to inspire thoughts that you might not be aware of. It is a way to approach creativity in a logical, rational manner.

  2. Triz Methodology (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving): this is an effective tool for overcoming mental obstacles and producing creative solutions.

  3. Brainstorming: Employing the brainstorming technique, encourages individuals, groups, or both to contribute ideas on the spot. It calls for an unrestricted, open discussion that encourages inventiveness and lateral thinking.

  4. Mind mapping: Mind mapping helps keeps your ideas organized by representing them in a graphical manner.

  5. Reversal of problem: Trying to solve a problem using traditional problem-solving methods can sometimes end in roadblocks. This technique forces you to think about a problem from a new perspective.

  6. Looking beyond something's function: Thinking about how you can use something beyond its typical function is a common CPS technique.

  7. Scamper: This acronym can help you come up with new ideas. Each letter stands for a way you can manipulate an original idea to come up with something new

 Substitute · Combine · Adapt · Magnify · Put to other uses · Eliminate · Rearrange


To innovate and solve problems, one must be creative. Creativity fosters divergent thinking, supports a growth mentality, encourages adaptability, produces original ideas, boosts communication and teamwork, and promotes taking risks. Successful problem-solving and innovation depend on each of these factors.

In your career, you are bound to encounter difficulties. There will be instances when tried-and-true methods of problem-solving won't work. When that happens, you can turn to creative problem-solving techniques to find the most effective answer